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со всех языков на все языки

interpretation means

  • 1 interpretation means

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > interpretation means

  • 2 interpretation

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > interpretation

  • 3 засіб тлумачення

    Українсько-англійський юридичний словник > засіб тлумачення

  • 4 Language

       Philosophy is written in that great book, the universe, which is always open, right before our eyes. But one cannot understand this book without first learning to understand the language and to know the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and the characters are triangles, circles, and other figures. Without these, one cannot understand a single word of it, and just wanders in a dark labyrinth. (Galileo, 1990, p. 232)
       It never happens that it [a nonhuman animal] arranges its speech in various ways in order to reply appropriately to everything that may be said in its presence, as even the lowest type of man can do. (Descartes, 1970a, p. 116)
       It is a very remarkable fact that there are none so depraved and stupid, without even excepting idiots, that they cannot arrange different words together, forming of them a statement by which they make known their thoughts; while, on the other hand, there is no other animal, however perfect and fortunately circumstanced it may be, which can do the same. (Descartes, 1967, p. 116)
       Human beings do not live in the object world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter is that the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built on the language habits of the group.... We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation. (Sapir, 1921, p. 75)
       It powerfully conditions all our thinking about social problems and processes.... No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached. (Sapir, 1985, p. 162)
       [A list of language games, not meant to be exhaustive:]
       Giving orders, and obeying them- Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurements- Constructing an object from a description (a drawing)Reporting an eventSpeculating about an eventForming and testing a hypothesisPresenting the results of an experiment in tables and diagramsMaking up a story; and reading itPlay actingSinging catchesGuessing riddlesMaking a joke; and telling it
       Solving a problem in practical arithmeticTranslating from one language into another
       LANGUAGE Asking, thanking, cursing, greeting, and praying-. (Wittgenstein, 1953, Pt. I, No. 23, pp. 11 e-12 e)
       We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native languages.... The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... No individual is free to describe nature with absolute impartiality but is constrained to certain modes of interpretation even while he thinks himself most free. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 153, 213-214)
       We dissect nature along the lines laid down by our native languages.
       The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... We are thus introduced to a new principle of relativity, which holds that all observers are not led by the same physical evidence to the same picture of the universe, unless their linguistic backgrounds are similar or can in some way be calibrated. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 213-214)
       9) The Forms of a Person's Thoughts Are Controlled by Unperceived Patterns of His Own Language
       The forms of a person's thoughts are controlled by inexorable laws of pattern of which he is unconscious. These patterns are the unperceived intricate systematizations of his own language-shown readily enough by a candid comparison and contrast with other languages, especially those of a different linguistic family. (Whorf, 1956, p. 252)
       It has come to be commonly held that many utterances which look like statements are either not intended at all, or only intended in part, to record or impart straightforward information about the facts.... Many traditional philosophical perplexities have arisen through a mistake-the mistake of taking as straightforward statements of fact utterances which are either (in interesting non-grammatical ways) nonsensical or else intended as something quite different. (Austin, 1962, pp. 2-3)
       In general, one might define a complex of semantic components connected by logical constants as a concept. The dictionary of a language is then a system of concepts in which a phonological form and certain syntactic and morphological characteristics are assigned to each concept. This system of concepts is structured by several types of relations. It is supplemented, furthermore, by redundancy or implicational rules..., representing general properties of the whole system of concepts.... At least a relevant part of these general rules is not bound to particular languages, but represents presumably universal structures of natural languages. They are not learned, but are rather a part of the human ability to acquire an arbitrary natural language. (Bierwisch, 1970, pp. 171-172)
       In studying the evolution of mind, we cannot guess to what extent there are physically possible alternatives to, say, transformational generative grammar, for an organism meeting certain other physical conditions characteristic of humans. Conceivably, there are none-or very few-in which case talk about evolution of the language capacity is beside the point. (Chomsky, 1972, p. 98)
       [It is] truth value rather than syntactic well-formedness that chiefly governs explicit verbal reinforcement by parents-which renders mildly paradoxical the fact that the usual product of such a training schedule is an adult whose speech is highly grammatical but not notably truthful. (R. O. Brown, 1973, p. 330)
       he conceptual base is responsible for formally representing the concepts underlying an utterance.... A given word in a language may or may not have one or more concepts underlying it.... On the sentential level, the utterances of a given language are encoded within a syntactic structure of that language. The basic construction of the sentential level is the sentence.
       The next highest level... is the conceptual level. We call the basic construction of this level the conceptualization. A conceptualization consists of concepts and certain relations among those concepts. We can consider that both levels exist at the same point in time and that for any unit on one level, some corresponding realizate exists on the other level. This realizate may be null or extremely complex.... Conceptualizations may relate to other conceptualizations by nesting or other specified relationships. (Schank, 1973, pp. 191-192)
       The mathematics of multi-dimensional interactive spaces and lattices, the projection of "computer behavior" on to possible models of cerebral functions, the theoretical and mechanical investigation of artificial intelligence, are producing a stream of sophisticated, often suggestive ideas.
       But it is, I believe, fair to say that nothing put forward until now in either theoretic design or mechanical mimicry comes even remotely in reach of the most rudimentary linguistic realities. (Steiner, 1975, p. 284)
       The step from the simple tool to the master tool, a tool to make tools (what we would now call a machine tool), seems to me indeed to parallel the final step to human language, which I call reconstitution. It expresses in a practical and social context the same understanding of hierarchy, and shows the same analysis by function as a basis for synthesis. (Bronowski, 1977, pp. 127-128)
        t is the language donn eґ in which we conduct our lives.... We have no other. And the danger is that formal linguistic models, in their loosely argued analogy with the axiomatic structure of the mathematical sciences, may block perception.... It is quite conceivable that, in language, continuous induction from simple, elemental units to more complex, realistic forms is not justified. The extent and formal "undecidability" of context-and every linguistic particle above the level of the phoneme is context-bound-may make it impossible, except in the most abstract, meta-linguistic sense, to pass from "pro-verbs," "kernals," or "deep deep structures" to actual speech. (Steiner, 1975, pp. 111-113)
       A higher-level formal language is an abstract machine. (Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 113)
       Jakobson sees metaphor and metonymy as the characteristic modes of binarily opposed polarities which between them underpin the two-fold process of selection and combination by which linguistic signs are formed.... Thus messages are constructed, as Saussure said, by a combination of a "horizontal" movement, which combines words together, and a "vertical" movement, which selects the particular words from the available inventory or "inner storehouse" of the language. The combinative (or syntagmatic) process manifests itself in contiguity (one word being placed next to another) and its mode is metonymic. The selective (or associative) process manifests itself in similarity (one word or concept being "like" another) and its mode is metaphoric. The "opposition" of metaphor and metonymy therefore may be said to represent in effect the essence of the total opposition between the synchronic mode of language (its immediate, coexistent, "vertical" relationships) and its diachronic mode (its sequential, successive, lineal progressive relationships). (Hawkes, 1977, pp. 77-78)
       It is striking that the layered structure that man has given to language constantly reappears in his analyses of nature. (Bronowski, 1977, p. 121)
       First, [an ideal intertheoretic reduction] provides us with a set of rules"correspondence rules" or "bridge laws," as the standard vernacular has it-which effect a mapping of the terms of the old theory (T o) onto a subset of the expressions of the new or reducing theory (T n). These rules guide the application of those selected expressions of T n in the following way: we are free to make singular applications of their correspondencerule doppelgangers in T o....
       Second, and equally important, a successful reduction ideally has the outcome that, under the term mapping effected by the correspondence rules, the central principles of T o (those of semantic and systematic importance) are mapped onto general sentences of T n that are theorems of Tn. (P. Churchland, 1979, p. 81)
       If non-linguistic factors must be included in grammar: beliefs, attitudes, etc. [this would] amount to a rejection of the initial idealization of language as an object of study. A priori such a move cannot be ruled out, but it must be empirically motivated. If it proves to be correct, I would conclude that language is a chaos that is not worth studying.... Note that the question is not whether beliefs or attitudes, and so on, play a role in linguistic behavior and linguistic judgments... [but rather] whether distinct cognitive structures can be identified, which interact in the real use of language and linguistic judgments, the grammatical system being one of these. (Chomsky, 1979, pp. 140, 152-153)
        23) Language Is Inevitably Influenced by Specific Contexts of Human Interaction
       Language cannot be studied in isolation from the investigation of "rationality." It cannot afford to neglect our everyday assumptions concerning the total behavior of a reasonable person.... An integrational linguistics must recognize that human beings inhabit a communicational space which is not neatly compartmentalized into language and nonlanguage.... It renounces in advance the possibility of setting up systems of forms and meanings which will "account for" a central core of linguistic behavior irrespective of the situation and communicational purposes involved. (Harris, 1981, p. 165)
       By innate [linguistic knowledge], Chomsky simply means "genetically programmed." He does not literally think that children are born with language in their heads ready to be spoken. He merely claims that a "blueprint is there, which is brought into use when the child reaches a certain point in her general development. With the help of this blueprint, she analyzes the language she hears around her more readily than she would if she were totally unprepared for the strange gabbling sounds which emerge from human mouths. (Aitchison, 1987, p. 31)
       Looking at ourselves from the computer viewpoint, we cannot avoid seeing that natural language is our most important "programming language." This means that a vast portion of our knowledge and activity is, for us, best communicated and understood in our natural language.... One could say that natural language was our first great original artifact and, since, as we increasingly realize, languages are machines, so natural language, with our brains to run it, was our primal invention of the universal computer. One could say this except for the sneaking suspicion that language isn't something we invented but something we became, not something we constructed but something in which we created, and recreated, ourselves. (Leiber, 1991, p. 8)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Language

  • 5 violent

    ˈvaɪələnt прил.
    1) неистовый;
    интенсивный, сильный (напр., о боли He was in a violent temper. ≈ Он был в ярости. Syn: turbulent
    2) насильственный to lay violent hands onзахватить( что-л.) силой to meet a violent deathумереть насильственной смертью
    3) вспыльчивый, горячий;
    страстный a violent demonstration ≈ бурная демонстрация violent languageбрань, резкие слова
    4) искаженный, неправильный неистовый, яростный, ожесточенный;
    отчаянный - * passions неистовые страсти - * efforts отчаянные усилия - * abuse яростные нападки - * rage безудержная ярость - * controversy ожесточенный спор - in a * temper в ярости, в бешенстве сильный, острый, резкий - * storm сильный шторм - * galaxy (астрономия) бурная /взрывающаяся/ галактика - * blow сильный /жестокий/ удар - * revulsion непреодолимое отвращение - * discrepancy вопиющее противоречие - * pain острая боль - * cough сильный кашель - * attack of gout мучительный приступ подагры - * mental exertion крайнее умственное напряжение - * colours резкие /кричащие/ цвета - * reds ярчайшие оттенки красного цвета - * exercise упражнения, требующие большого физического напряжения - in * contrast в вопиющем противоречии насильственный - * death насильственная смерть - to resort to * means прибегнуть к насилию - to lay * hands (on) захватить силой горячий, страстный - * speech горячая /страстная/ речь - apt to form * attachments (страстно) увлекающийся;
    влюбчивый несдержанный, невыдержанный;
    вспыльчивый - * man вспыльчивый /несдержанный/ человек - * language несдержанность в выражениях - * scene бурная сцена буйный( преим. о психическом больном) - * delirium (медицина) буйный бред - he became * он начал буйствовать( о пьяном и т. п.) ;
    он стал буйный (о больном) искаженный, неправильный;
    произвольный - a * construction of the text произвольное толкование текста;
    извращение смысла текста ~ неистовый;
    violent efforts отчаянные усилия;
    he was in a violent temper он был в ярости ~ насильственный;
    to resort to violent means прибегнуть к насилию;
    to lay violent hands (on smth.) захватить (что-л.) силой to meet a ~ death умереть насильственной смертью ~ насильственный;
    to resort to violent means прибегнуть к насилию;
    to lay violent hands (on smth.) захватить (что-л.) силой violent вспыльчивый, горячий;
    violent language брань, резкие слова ~ искаженный ~ искаженный, неправильный;
    violent interpretation ложная интерпретация;
    violent assumption невероятное предположение ~ насильственный;
    to resort to violent means прибегнуть к насилию;
    to lay violent hands (on smth.) захватить (что-л.) силой ~ насильственный ~ неистовый;
    violent efforts отчаянные усилия;
    he was in a violent temper он был в ярости ~ неистовый ~ резкий ~ сильный, интенсивный;
    violent pain сильная боль;
    violent heat ужасная жара;
    violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет ~ сильный ~ страстный, горячий;
    violent speech страстная речь;
    a violent demonstration бурная демонстрация ~ искаженный, неправильный;
    violent interpretation ложная интерпретация;
    violent assumption невероятное предположение ~ competition ожесточенная конкуренция;
    violent measures жесткие меры ~ contrast резкий контраст ~ страстный, горячий;
    violent speech страстная речь;
    a violent demonstration бурная демонстрация ~ неистовый;
    violent efforts отчаянные усилия;
    he was in a violent temper он был в ярости ~ сильный, интенсивный;
    violent pain сильная боль;
    violent heat ужасная жара;
    violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет ~ искаженный, неправильный;
    violent interpretation ложная интерпретация;
    violent assumption невероятное предположение violent вспыльчивый, горячий;
    violent language брань, резкие слова ~ competition ожесточенная конкуренция;
    violent measures жесткие меры ~ сильный, интенсивный;
    violent pain сильная боль;
    violent heat ужасная жара;
    violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет ~ страстный, горячий;
    violent speech страстная речь;
    a violent demonstration бурная демонстрация ~ сильный, интенсивный;
    violent pain сильная боль;
    violent heat ужасная жара;
    violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > violent

  • 6 significado

    significance, meaning, sense, purport.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: significar.
    * * *
    1 meaning
    2 LINGÚÍSTICA signifier
    1→ link=significar significar
    1 well-known, important
    1 meaning
    2 LINGÚÍSTICA signifier
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) meaning, sense
    2) significance, importance
    * * *
    2. SM
    1) [de palabra] meaning

    su significado principal es... — its chief meaning is...

    2) (=importancia) significance
    * * *
    - da adjetivo (frml) <político/científico> noted (before n), well known, renowned
    1) ( de palabra) meaning; ( de símbolo) meaning, significance
    * * *
    = interpretation, meaning, signified, meaningfulness.
    Ex. In contrast, the choice of a subject heading or notation presents many varied problems of interpretation.
    Ex. The term indexing language can seem rather daunting, and has certainly had different meanings in its different incarnations.
    Ex. According to semiotics, communication acts in public libraries occur at subtle levels of expression (signifier) and content (signified).
    Ex. The author challenges the meaningfulness of precision and recall values as a measure of performance of a retrieval system.
    * adquirir un nuevo significado = take on + new dimension.
    * asignar significado = place + interpretation.
    * asumir un significado = take on + meaning.
    * cargado de significado = pregnant.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * lleno de significado = purposeful.
    * matiz de significado = shade of meaning.
    * significado de la palabra = word sense.
    * significado global = aboutness.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * transmitir un significado = convey + meaning.
    * TX (término que solapa a otro en el significado) = XT (overlapping term).
    * * *
    - da adjetivo (frml) <político/científico> noted (before n), well known, renowned
    1) ( de palabra) meaning; ( de símbolo) meaning, significance
    * * *
    = interpretation, meaning, signified, meaningfulness.

    Ex: In contrast, the choice of a subject heading or notation presents many varied problems of interpretation.

    Ex: The term indexing language can seem rather daunting, and has certainly had different meanings in its different incarnations.
    Ex: According to semiotics, communication acts in public libraries occur at subtle levels of expression (signifier) and content (signified).
    Ex: The author challenges the meaningfulness of precision and recall values as a measure of performance of a retrieval system.
    * adquirir un nuevo significado = take on + new dimension.
    * asignar significado = place + interpretation.
    * asumir un significado = take on + meaning.
    * cargado de significado = pregnant.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * lleno de significado = purposeful.
    * matiz de significado = shade of meaning.
    * significado de la palabra = word sense.
    * significado global = aboutness.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * transmitir un significado = convey + meaning.
    * TX (término que solapa a otro en el significado) = XT (overlapping term).

    * * *
    ( frml); ‹político/científico› noted ( before n), well known, renowned
    está significado por su extremismo he is well known o renowned for his extremism
    A (de una palabra) meaning; (de un símbolo) meaning, significance
    ¿cuál es el significado de esta frase? what is the meaning of this sentence?, what does this sentence mean?
    B ( Ling) signified, thing signified
    * * *


    Del verbo significar: ( conjugate significar)

    significado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    significado sustantivo masculino
    1 ( de palabra) meaning;
    ( de símbolo) meaning, significance
    2 ( importancia) See Also

    significar ( conjugate significar) verbo transitivo

    b) (suponer, representar) ‹mejora/ruina to represent;

    esfuerzo/riesgo to involve
    c) (valer, importar) to mean

    I adj (famoso, reputado) well-known
    un significado político, a noted politician
    II sustantivo masculino meaning: no conozco el significado de este símbolo, I don't know what this symbol means
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (querer decir) to mean: esa señal significa que continuemos, that sign means that we must go on
    ¿qué significa sextante?, what does sextante mean?
    2 (equivaler, suponer) to mean: esto significará la ruina, this will mean ruin
    la intervención significaba un gran riesgo, the operation was very risky
    II vi (importar, valer) sus palabras significan mucho para mí, his words are very important to me ➣ Ver nota en mean
    ' significado' also found in these entries:
    - parecerse
    - sentida
    - sentido
    - significación
    - captar
    - coger
    - oscuro
    - sin
    - cease
    - continue
    - feel
    - hear of
    - import
    - intend
    - leave
    - listen
    - maybe
    - meaning
    - need
    - obscure
    - put off
    - see
    - sense
    - shade
    - significance
    - start
    - still
    - stop
    - study
    - try
    - pregnant
    * * *
    significado, -a
    un significado defensor de los derechos humanos a noted o renowned champion of human rights
    1. [sentido] meaning
    2. Ling signifier
    * * *
    f, significado m meaning
    * * *
    1) : sense, meaning
    2) : significance
    * * *
    significado n meaning

    Spanish-English dictionary > significado

  • 7 результат

    (см. также факт) result, effect, consequence, finding
    Результат более общего типа формулируется следующим образом. - The following is a more general result of the same kind.
    Более определенные результаты были сформулированы Смитом [1]. - More definite results have been formulated by Smith [1].
    В действительности данный результат означает, что... - This result means, in effect, that...
    В результате практически все, работающие в данной области, желали допустить, что... - As a result, practically everyone in the field was willing to admit that...
    В результате преобразования уравнение (1) принимает вид... - After simplification equation (1) becomes...
    В результате следует заключить, что... - Consequently, one must conclude that...
    В результате существовала тенденция... - As a result, there has been a tendency to...
    В результате этого происходит заметное уменьшение... - This results in a marked decrease in...
    В результате, теперь достаточно лишь доказать, что... - Consequently it is enough to prove that...
    В соответствии с данным результатом мы можем определить... - In accordance with this result, we may identify...
    В то же самое время, данные результаты указывают, что... - At the same time, the results indicate that...
    В этом приложении мы приводим результаты... - In this appendix we present the results of...
    Важность данного результата состоит в том, что он четко устанавливает... - The importance of this result is that it clearly establishes...
    Возможно, наилучший способ сформулировать результаты - это... - Probably the best way to express the results is to use...
    Можно грубо выразить (= сформулировать) тот же результат, говоря, что... - This result is expressed roughly by saying that...
    Данный результат должен выглядеть знакомым любому, кто изучал... - This result should look familiar to anyone who has studied...
    Данный результат допускает простую геометрическую интерпретацию. - The result admits a simple geometrical interpretation.
    Данный результат имеет простую физическую интерпретацию. - This result has a simple physical interpretation.
    Данный результат может быть сформулирован в несколько более простой форме следующим образом. - This result can be written in a slightly simpler form as follows.
    Данный результат находится в полном согласии с... - The result is in perfect agreement with...
    Данный результат объясняет/разъясняет... - This result explains...
    Данный результат объясняется и качественно, и количественно предположением, что... - This result is both qualitatively and quantitatively explained by the assumption that...
    Данный результат окажется полезным при обсуждении (чего-л). - This result will prove useful in the discussion of...
    Данный результат остается справедливым, если... - The result remains true if...
    Данный результат принадлежит Гауссу. - This result is due to Gauss.
    Данный результат следует немедленно, если мы можем показать, что... - The result will follow immediately if we can show that...
    Данный результат согласуется с... - This result is in agreement with...
    Данный результат также может быть получен с применением... - This result can also be obtained by the application of...
    Данный результат, который можно легко проверить, состоит в том, что... - The result, which may be easily verified, is...
    Для того, чтобы доказать этот результат, мы должны, во-первых, вычислить... - In order to prove this result we must first calculate...
    Другой интересный результат, принадлежащий Риману, состоит в том, что... - Another interesting result, due to Riemann, is. that...
    Другой способ получения того же результата появляется, если заметить, что... - Another way of obtaining the same result is to note that...
    Его результаты могут быть подытожены следующей теоремой. - His results may be summed up in the following theorem.
    Если мы используем результат (7), то видим, что... - If we make use of the result (7) we see that...
    Еще один интересный результат - это... - One further result of interest is that...
    Еще одним следствием этих результатов является то, что... - One further consequence of these results is that...
    За исключение последнего, все эти результаты немедленно вытекают из того факта, что... - All these results except the last follow immediately from the fact that...
    Значение этого последнего результата состоит в том, что... - The significance of this last result is that...
    Значительно лучший результат мог быть получен, если использовать... - A much better result would have been obtained using...
    Из... можно вывести много полезных результатов. - Many useful results may be deduced from...
    Из вышеуказанного утверждения следует дополнительный результат. - The above argument gives us the following additional result.
    Из предыдущих результатов вытекает, что... - It follows from the foregoing results that...
    Из процитированных выше результатов следует, что... - From the results quoted above it follows that...
    Из результатов последнего параграфа становится ясно, что... - It is apparent from the last section that...
    Из результатов экспериментов Смит [1] заключил, что... - From the results of experiments, Smith [1] concluded that...
    Из этих результатов вытекает, что... - These results imply that...
    Используя результат (10), мы видим, что... - Making use of the result (10) we see that...
    Используя этот результат... - With this result we can...
    Используя этот результат, мы можем заключить... - With the help of this result we can deduce...
    Исследование, продолжающееся два десятилетия, принесло удивительно немного результатов относительно... - Research spanning two decades has yielded surprisingly few results on...
    Исходя из этих результатов, можно сконструировать... - Prom these results it is possible to construct...
    Как мы можем понимать этот результат? - How can we understand this result?
    Как мы уже видели, те же самые результаты предсказываются для... - As we have seen, the same results are predicted for...
    Как побочный результат теоремы 4... - As a by-product of Theorem 4, we also obtain the convergence of...
    Как приложение данного результата, мы покажем, что... -As an application of this result, we show that...
    Как это показано ниже, этот результат можно также вывести непосредственно. - This result may also be derived directly as follows.
    Количественный анализ этих результатов показывает, что... - A quantitative analysis of these results shows that...
    Методом математической индукции этот результат может быть распространен на... - This result can be extended, by mathematical induction, to...
    Многие идеи и результаты последней главы могут быть распространены на случай... - Many of the ideas and results of the last chapter can now be extended to the case of...
    Многие из наших более ранних результатов могут быть лучше поняты, если... - Many of ounearlier results can be better understood if...
    Можно было бы интерпретировать, что эти результаты означают, что... - These results might be interpreted to mean that...
    Можно понять эти результаты, рассматривая... - One can understand these results by considering...
    Мы используем этот результат, чтобы... - We shall apply this result to...
    Мы могли бы взглянуть на данный результат с другой точки зрения. - We may look at this result in another way.
    Мы могли бы подытожить эти результаты утверждением, что... - We may summarize these results with the statement that...
    Мы могли бы получить этот же результат более просто, заметив, что... - We could have obtained this result more easily by noting that...
    Мы могли бы получить этот результат другим способом. - We could obtain this result by a different argument.
    Мы можем использовать этот результат, чтобы определить (= ввести)... - We can use this result to define...
    Мы можем подытожить предыдущие результаты в простых терминах, замечая, что... - We can summarize the preceding results in simpler terms by noting that...
    Мы можем получить данный результат следующим образом. - We can obtain the result as follows.
    Мы можем применить некоторые результаты этой главы, чтобы проиллюстрировать... - We may apply some of the results of this chapter to illustrate...
    Мы можем сформулировать этот результат в виде теоремы. - We can state the result as a theorem.
    Мы не можем ожидать выполнения этого результата в случае... - This result cannot be expected to hold for...
    Мы применим наши результаты к одному простому случаю. - We shall apply our results to a simple case.
    Мы только что доказали следующий результат. - We have proved the following result.
    Мы хотим взглянуть на этот результат с несколько иной точки зрения. - We want to look at this result from a slightly different, point of view.
    На основе данных результатов давайте теперь оценим... - On the basis of these results, let us now estimate...
    Наиболее важными результатами являются результаты, касающиеся (= связанные с)... - The most important results are those concerning...
    Наилучший результат получается, когда/ если... - The best result is obtained when...
    Наш основной результат будет заключаться в том, что... - Our main result will be that...
    Наш следующий результат демонстрирует, что... - Our next result demonstrates that...
    Наши первые результаты описывают соотношения между... - Our first results deal with the relations between...
    Наши результаты пересекаются с результатами Смита [1], который... - Our results overlap those of Smith [1], who...
    Наши результаты предпочтительны по сравнению с результатами Смита [1]. - Our results compare favorably with those of Smith [1].
    Немедленным следствием предыдущего результата является тот факт, что... - An immediate corollary of the above result is the fact that...
    Несколько более простой результат получается, если мы... - A somewhat simpler result is obtained if we...
    Несомненно, данные результаты не зависят от... - These results are of course independent of...
    Нижеследующее является обобщением результата, доказанного Смитом [1]. - The following is a generalization of a result proved by Smith [1].
    Объединяя эти результаты, мы видим, что... - On combining these results we see that...
    Обычно это происходит в результате... - This usually occurs as a result of...
    Однако имеются другие результаты, которые... - There are other results, however, which...
    Однако окончательные результаты теории не могут зависеть от... - But the final results of the theory must not depend on...
    Однако подобные усилия приносят положительный результат, только если... - Such efforts, however, are successful only if...
    Однако у этого результата имеется другое приложение. - However, this result has another application.
    Однако этот результат действительно предполагает, что... - The result does assume, however, that...
    Одним интересным свойством этих результатов является то, что они указывают... - One interesting feature of these results is that they indicate...
    Очевидно, данный результат мог бы быть получен, не используя... - Obviously this result could have been obtained without the use of...
    Очевидно, что подобный результат справедлив (и) для... - Obviously a similar result is true for...
    Очевидно, что эти результаты выполняются для любого... - These results clearly hold for any...
    Очевидной интерпретацией данного результата является... - The straightforward interpretation of this result is...
    Перед тем как установить только что упомянутые результаты, необходимо (рассмотреть и т. п.)... - Before establishing the results just mentioned it is necessary to...
    По результатам этого и подобных экспериментов обнаружено, что... - From this and similar experiments it is found that...
    Подобные результаты убедительно доказывают, что... - Such results conclusively prove that...
    В некотором роде подобный результат выполняется для... - A somewhat similar result holds for...
    Полученные результаты должны быть таковы, чтобы их можно было сравнить с... - The results obtained should be capable of comparison with...
    Помимо прочего, данный результат показывает, что... - Among other things, this result shows that...
    Помня об этом результате, давайте проверим... - With this result in mind, let us examine...
    Поучительно рассмотреть эти результаты с точки зрения... - It is instructive to consider these results from the standpoint of...
    Предыдущие результаты были получены в рамках предположения... - The above results have been obtained under the assumption of...
    Предыдущие результаты еще раз иллюстрируют... - The above results once more illustrate...
    Предыдущие результаты можно подытожить следующим образом. - The above results may be summarized as follows.
    Приведенная выше теория не предсказывает хорошо известный результат, что... - The theory given above does not predict the well-known result that...
    Простой иллюстрацией для этого результата является его приложение к... - A simple illustration of this result is its application to...
    Результат может быть найден (с помощью и т. п.)... - The output can be found by...
    Результат показан ниже. - The result is recorded below.
    Результат, представленный формулой (9), очень полезен при выводе свойств (чего-л). - The result (9) is very useful for deducing properties of...
    Результат, справедливость которого может быть проверена (самим) читателем, формулируется следующим образом. - The result, which may be verified by the reader, is...
    Результатом является представление... - The result is a representation of...
    Результаты были получены непосредственным наблюдением... - The results are obtained by direct observation of...
    Результаты были разочаровывающими, в основном потому... - The results have been disappointing, mainly because...
    Результаты всех этих методов согласуются с... - The results of all these methods are consistent with...
    Результаты данной главы позволяют нам... - The results of the present chapter enable us to...
    Результаты согласуются с пониманием, что... - The results are consistent with the view that...
    Следующий очень важный результат является основой для... - The following very important result is the basis for...
    Соответствующий результат справедлив (и) для... - A corresponding result holds for...
    Справедливость того же результата можно увидеть геометрически. - The same result can be seen geometrically.
    Сравнение с точным результатом (2) показывает, что... - A comparison with the exact result (2) shows that...
    Считается хорошей практикой выражать все результаты измерений в метрической системе. - It is considered good practice to express all measurements in metric units.
    Таким образом, данный результат доказан. - The result is therefore established.
    Таким образом, мы можем обобщить результаты из первого параграфа и сообщить, что... - Thus, we can generalize the results of Section 1 and state that...
    Таким образом, получен следующий основной (= центральный) результат... - The following key results are therefore obtained:...
    Такого же самого типа рассуждения доказывают следующий результат. - Arguments of the same type prove the following result.
    Такой результат более предпочтителен (другому результату). - The outcome is certainly preferable to...
    Твердо установленным результатом является, что... - It is a well-established result that...
    Тем не менее эта формальная работа привела к конкретному результату. - Nevertheless, this formal work has produced a concrete result.
    Теперь мы доказываем два фундаментальных результата. - We now prove two fundamental results.
    Теперь мы доказываем один фундаментальный результат. - We now prove a fundamental result.
    Теперь мы можем сформулировать следующий результат. - We are now in a position to state the following result.
    Теперь мы получаем желаемый результат. - We now have the desired result.
    Теперь мы собрали воедино основные определения и результаты (исследования и т. п.)... - We have now assembled the main definitions and results of...
    Тот же самый результат может быть получен простым (вычислением и т. п.)... - The same result may be obtained by simply...
    Тот же самый результат может быть сформулирован в другой форме. - The same result can be put in a different form.
    Тот же самый результат можно вывести из... - The same result may be deduced from...
    Физический смысл этого результата состоит в том, что... - The physical significance of this result is that...
    Формально этот результат выглядит весьма похожим на... - Formally, the result looks somewhat similar to...
    Численные результаты, основанные на соотношении (4), показывают, что... - Numerical computations based on (4) show that...
    Читатель мог бы сравнить этот результат с выражением (6). - The reader may compare this result with the expression (6).
    Читатель найдет этот результат в любом учебнике... - The reader will find this result in any textbook on...
    Чтобы объяснить получившийся результат, мы могли бы предположить, что... - То explain the above result, we could suppose that...
    Чтобы получить необходимый результат, мы... - То obtain the required result, let...
    Чтобы получить практический результат в подобных случаях, мы... - То obtain a practical result in such cases, we...
    Эти два результата имеют существенный интерес. - These two results are of considerable interest.
    Эти два результата совместно показывают, что... - These two results together show that...
    Эти кажущиеся тривиальными результаты приводят к... - These seemingly trivial results lead to...
    Эти результаты имели важные далеко ведущие последствия. - The results were of far reaching importance.
    Эти результаты могут быть легко описаны в терминах... - These results can easily be described in terms of...
    Эти результаты можно использовать, чтобы установить... - These results can be used to establish...
    Эти результаты можно очевидным образом обобщить (на случай и т. п.)... - These results can be extended in an obvious way to...
    Эти результаты не изменятся, если мы... - These results are not affected if we...
    Эти результаты представлены на рис. 3 и 4. - The results are displayed in Figures 3 and 4.
    Эти результаты согласуются с предположением, что... - These results are consistent with the assumption that...
    Эти результаты также поддержали точку зрения, что... - The results also lend support to the view that...
    Эти результаты теперь могут быть уточнены для случая... - These results can now be specialized to the case of...
    Эти результаты часто бывают необходимы. - These results are needed frequently.
    Эти результаты являются следствием... - These results are a consequence of...
    Эти результаты ясно показывают, что... - These results clearly show that...
    Эти результаты в основном согласуются с... - These results are broadly consistent with...
    Это важный результат. Он утверждает, что... - This is an important result. It says that...
    Это и есть тот самый предсказанный результат. - This is precisely the expected result.
    Это интересный результат. - This is an interesting result.
    Это интересный результат, так как... - This is an interesting result because...
    Это контрастирует с соответствующим результатом для... - This contrasts with the corresponding result for...
    Это очень важный результат. Он означает, что... - This is a very important result. It means that...
    Это подтверждается приведенными результатами. - This is confirmed by the results shown.
    Это результат важен для практики, так как... - The result is important in practical terms since...
    Это согласуется с нашим предыдущим результатом. - This is in agreement with our previous result.
    Это хорошо подтверждается результатами... - This is strongly supported by the results of...
    Это устанавливает данный результат. - This establishes the result.
    Это чрезвычайно важный результат, поскольку он позволяет нам... - This is an exceedingly important result, as it enables us to...
    Это ясно показано на рис. 1, который представляет результаты (чего-л). - This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 1 which shows the results of...
    Этот неверный результат получается вследствие... - This incorrect result is due to...
    Этот результат более или менее ожидаем, если исходить из того факта, что... - This result is more or less to be expected from the fact that...
    Этот результат был сформулирован довольно неопределенно (= неточно), потому что... - This result has been stated rather vaguely because...
    Этот результат было необходимо ожидать, исходя из факта, что... - This result was to be expected from the fact that...
    Этот результат вытекает из изучения... - This result follows from a study of...
    Этот результат заслуживает более пристального рассмотрения. - This result is worth a more careful look.
    Этот результат имеет поразительное сходство с... -. This result bears a striking resemblance to...
    Этот результат легко установить. - It is easy to establish this result.
    Этот результат легче запомнить... - This result is more easily remembered by...
    Этот результат мог бы быть выведен прямо из соотношения (6). - This result could have been deduced directly from (6).
    Этот результат мог бы нам позволить... - This result may allow us to...
    Этот результат можно было бы получить более легко, увидев, что... - This result could have been obtained more easily by recognizing that...
    Этот результат можно использовать без опасений, только если... - It is safe to use this result only if...
    Этот результат можно сделать более наглядным с помощью... - The result can be made more explicit by...
    Этот результат не зависит ни от каких предположений относительно... - This result is independent of any assumption about...
    Этот результат не слишком изменяется, если... - The result is not essentially different if...
    Этот результат не является простым, потому что... - The result is not simple because...
    Этот результат перестает быть верным, если... - This result no longer holds if...
    Этот результат подтверждает интуитивное понимание того, что... - This result confirms the intuitive view that...
    Этот результат полезен лишь тогда, когда... - This result is useful only when...
    Этот результат поражает тем, что... - The striking thing about this result is that...
    Этот результат предлагает естественное обобщение... - This result suggests a natural generalization of...
    Этот результат совпадает с полученным с помощью уравнения (4). - The result is exactly the same as that given by equation (4).
    Этот результат согласуется с тем фактом, что... - This result is in agreement with the fact that...
    Этот результат также можно было бы получить, применяя... - This result may also be obtained by means of...
    Этот результат является более или менее ожидаемым, однако исходя из того, что... - This result is more or less to be expected, however, from the fact that...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > результат

  • 8 violent

    violent неистовый; яростный; violent efforts отчаянные усилия; he was in a violent temper он был в ярости violent насильственный; to resort to violent means прибегнуть к насилию; to lay violent hands (on smth.) захватить (что-л.) силой to meet a violent death умереть насильственной смертью violent насильственный; to resort to violent means прибегнуть к насилию; to lay violent hands (on smth.) захватить (что-л.) силой violent вспыльчивый, горячий; violent language брань, резкие слова violent искаженный violent искаженный, неправильный; violent interpretation ложная интерпретация; violent assumption невероятное предположение violent насильственный; to resort to violent means прибегнуть к насилию; to lay violent hands (on smth.) захватить (что-л.) силой violent насильственный violent неистовый; яростный; violent efforts отчаянные усилия; he was in a violent temper он был в ярости violent неистовый violent резкий violent сильный, интенсивный; violent pain сильная боль; violent heat ужасная жара; violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет violent сильный violent страстный, горячий; violent speech страстная речь; a violent demonstration бурная демонстрация violent искаженный, неправильный; violent interpretation ложная интерпретация; violent assumption невероятное предположение violent competition ожесточенная конкуренция; violent measures жесткие меры violent contrast резкий контраст violent страстный, горячий; violent speech страстная речь; a violent demonstration бурная демонстрация violent неистовый; яростный; violent efforts отчаянные усилия; he was in a violent temper он был в ярости violent сильный, интенсивный; violent pain сильная боль; violent heat ужасная жара; violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет violent искаженный, неправильный; violent interpretation ложная интерпретация; violent assumption невероятное предположение violent вспыльчивый, горячий; violent language брань, резкие слова violent competition ожесточенная конкуренция; violent measures жесткие меры violent сильный, интенсивный; violent pain сильная боль; violent heat ужасная жара; violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет violent страстный, горячий; violent speech страстная речь; a violent demonstration бурная демонстрация violent сильный, интенсивный; violent pain сильная боль; violent heat ужасная жара; violent yellow ярко-желтый цвет

    English-Russian short dictionary > violent

  • 9 extravagancia

    1 eccentricity.
    2 extravagance, eccentricity, oddity, oddness.
    3 extravagant act, quirk, eccentricity, extravaganza.
    * * *
    1 extravagance, eccentricity
    * * *
    1) (=cualidad) [de persona, aspecto, ropa] extravagance, outlandishness
    2) (=capricho) whim
    * * *
    femenino ( acto) outrageous thing (to do); ( cualidad) extravagance

    su extravagancia en el vestirthe outlandish o extravagant way he dresses

    * * *
    = flamboyance, extravagance, quirk, outrageousness, exoticism, whimsy, waywardness, geekiness, eccentricity, whim, peculiarity.
    Ex. The flamboyance of the earliest modern face proved evanescent, and it was a restrained interpretation of the design, combining elements of both the English and the French modern faces, that prevailed.
    Ex. Sometimes even an added entry is considered an extravagance.
    Ex. Biographers will find many, hitherto undiscovered, traits of character or quirks of career of the famous or notorious emerging out of apparently insignificant or unremarked ephemera.
    Ex. However, it is ironic that the author's first venture into the world of children's books is a disappointment because it does not have the puerile outrageousness of her 'adult' work.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Diplomatics for photographic images: academic exoticism?'.
    Ex. Science is not necessarily a subject but a means of controlling the waywardness and whimsy to which the mind is susceptible.
    Ex. Science is not necessarily a subject but a means of controlling the waywardness and whimsy to which the mind is susceptible.
    Ex. We will evaluate proposals on criteria of usefulness, newness, geekiness, and diversity of topics.
    Ex. In spite of his growing eccentricity, fruitful ideas continued to spring from his imagination.
    Ex. If terms are drawn from a controlled vocabulary, the selection of index headings no longer depends entirely upon the whim of the author in framing a title.
    Ex. For, as Panizzi saw it, 'A reader may know the work he requires; he cannot be expected to know all the peculiarities of different editions; and this information he has a right to expect from the catalogues'.
    * extravagancia típica de los hippies = hippiedom.
    * * *
    femenino ( acto) outrageous thing (to do); ( cualidad) extravagance

    su extravagancia en el vestirthe outlandish o extravagant way he dresses

    * * *
    = flamboyance, extravagance, quirk, outrageousness, exoticism, whimsy, waywardness, geekiness, eccentricity, whim, peculiarity.

    Ex: The flamboyance of the earliest modern face proved evanescent, and it was a restrained interpretation of the design, combining elements of both the English and the French modern faces, that prevailed.

    Ex: Sometimes even an added entry is considered an extravagance.
    Ex: Biographers will find many, hitherto undiscovered, traits of character or quirks of career of the famous or notorious emerging out of apparently insignificant or unremarked ephemera.
    Ex: However, it is ironic that the author's first venture into the world of children's books is a disappointment because it does not have the puerile outrageousness of her 'adult' work.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Diplomatics for photographic images: academic exoticism?'.
    Ex: Science is not necessarily a subject but a means of controlling the waywardness and whimsy to which the mind is susceptible.
    Ex: Science is not necessarily a subject but a means of controlling the waywardness and whimsy to which the mind is susceptible.
    Ex: We will evaluate proposals on criteria of usefulness, newness, geekiness, and diversity of topics.
    Ex: In spite of his growing eccentricity, fruitful ideas continued to spring from his imagination.
    Ex: If terms are drawn from a controlled vocabulary, the selection of index headings no longer depends entirely upon the whim of the author in framing a title.
    Ex: For, as Panizzi saw it, 'A reader may know the work he requires; he cannot be expected to know all the peculiarities of different editions; and this information he has a right to expect from the catalogues'.
    * extravagancia típica de los hippies = hippiedom.

    * * *
    1 (acto) outrageous thing (to do)
    se puede esperar cualquier extravagancia de él he's capable of doing some outrageous o very strange things
    2 (cualidad) extravagance
    su extravagancia en el vestir the outlandish o extravagant o outrageous way he dresses
    * * *

    extravagancia sustantivo femenino ( acto) outrageous thing (to do);
    ( cualidad) extravagance
    extravagancia sustantivo femenino extravagance
    ' extravagancia' also found in these entries:
    - decir
    - humorada
    * * *
    1. [excentricidad] eccentricity
    2. [rareza] outlandishness
    * * *
    f eccentric behavior o Br
    una de sus extravagancias one of his eccentricities
    * * *
    : extravagance, outlandishness, flamboyance

    Spanish-English dictionary > extravagancia

  • 10 מדה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מדה

  • 11 מידה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מידה

  • 12 מִדָּה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מִדָּה

  • 13 מִידָּה

    מִדָּה, מִידָּהf. (b. h.; preced.) 1) dimension, measure, proportion. Sabb.150a (play on מ̇ד̇ה̇ב̇ה, v. preced.) מ̇אד̇ מ̇אד̇ ה̇ב̇א בלא מ̇׳ bring much, very much, without measure. Peah VIII, 6 מ׳ זו this proportion. Gen. R. s. 64; Esth. R. introd. (ref. to מנדה, Ezra 4:13) זו מִדַּת הארץ that is the from the land as measured, i. e. the (Roman) land-tax. B. Bath.VII, 3 מ׳ בחבלוכ׳ I sell thee exact land-measure by the rope. Ib. 128a מִדַּת ארכו the length-measure of the cloak. Ib. מדת משקלותיו the measure of its (the gold-bars) weights, i. e. an estimate as to how many coins of a certain weight can be obtained from it. Ḥag.12a מדת יום ומ׳ לילה the combined length of day and night. Yeb.76b (ref. to 1 Sam. 17:38) מַדָּיו כמִדָּתוֹ his (Sauls) garments such as fitted his stature. Mikv. X, 5; Ḥull.73a עד מקום (ח)מ׳ as far as the designed length of the handle (excluding the portion which it is intended to cut off).Kidd.42b; B. Mets.56b, a. e. דבר שבמ׳ ושבמשקלוכ׳ objects which are sold by measure, by weight or by the piece. B. Bath.89b לעולם … מ׳ חסירהוכ׳ one must never keep in ones house too small or too large a measure (smaller or larger than the legal size); a. fr.Pl. מִדּוֹת, מִידּוֹת. Ib. 88b עונשן של מ׳ the divine punishment for fraudulent measures. Tosef.B. Mets. VI, 14 לא היו ממונין … אלא על המ׳ they (the agoranomoi in Jerusalem) were appointed not for the regulation of market prices but for the superintendence of the measures; B. Bath.89a, v. אֲנַרְדְּמִיס; a. fr.Men.18a למצות מִידּוֹתַי, v. מָצָח.Whence: Middoth (measurements of the Temple), name of a treatise of the Mishnah, of the order of Kodashim. 2) dealing; reward or punishment; dispensation.מ׳ כננד מ׳ retaliation, adequate punishment or reward. Sot.I, 7, v. preced. Ib. 9a לבמ׳ the verse is to intimate the God dispenses adequate punishments. Ib. 8b (ref. to ib. I, 7) אע״ג דמ׳ בטילח במ׳ לא בתיל although retribution (by the Jewish court) has ceased, the adequate divine punishment has not ceased. Lam. R. introd. (R. Alex. 2) (expl. יען וביען, Lev. 26:43) מ׳ בננד מ׳ punishment corresponding to deed. Ned.32a. Snh.90a כל מִידּוֹתָיו של חקב״ה מ׳ כנגד מ׳ all retributions of the Lord are in correspondence with mans doings. Ber.48b ‘whatever the Lord thy God has given thee דיינך בכל … בין מ׳ טובח ובין מִדַּת פורענות (not מדה) he is thy judge in whatever sentence he decrees upon thee, whether it be a good or an evil dispensation. Ib. IX, 5, v. מְאֹד. Sabb.97a. Ib. 151b לעולם … על מ׳ זו at all times let one pray to be spared this fate (poverty); a. fr.Pl. as ab. Snh.90a, v. supra. Yoma 87b המעביר על מִדּוֹתָיווכ׳ he who passes over his retaliations (who forbears to retaliate), his failings will be passed over (be forgiven); Meg.28a. Ib. לא עמדתי על מִידּוֹתַי I never insisted on retaliation; Kidd.71a ואינו מעמד על מדותיו (Rashi: מיעמיד); a. fr. 3) manner, ways, character, nature, condition. Ber.40a לא כמדת חקב״חוכ׳ the nature of divine (intellectual) affairs is not like the nature of human (material) affairs. Ib. 11b להזכיר מדת יוםוכ׳ to mention the nature of the day (light) at night. Tanḥ. Balak 3 מה מִדָּתוֹ what is the nature of his power. B. Mets.33a מ׳ ואינה מ׳ it is a (meritorious) way (of studying) and is not, i. e. you might to better; Y.Hor.III, 48c top מ׳ שאינה מ׳; a. fr.Pl. as ab. Ab. V, 10 ארבע מ׳ באדם there are four different dispositions of men (as to treating ones fellowman); ib. 11 ארבע מ׳ בדעות four characters (temperaments); ib. 12 ארבע מ׳ בתלמידים four natures of students (with regard to receptive and retentive faculties). Y.Snh.XI, 30a bot. כל שבע מ׳וכ׳ all the seven characteristic features of righteous men which the scholars have defined have been realized in Rabbi. Ned.20b בני תשע מ׳ children conceived under nine (abnormal mental) conditions. R. Hash. 17b, a. fr. שלש עשרה מ׳ the thirteen divine attributes (Ex. 34:6, sq.). Ned.32a, v. פָּרַז; a. fr. מדת הדין a) justice. Tosef.Yeb.IX, 3. a. e., v. לָקָה.Esp. the divine attribute of justice, opp. מ׳ הרחמים, v. דּין II.b) common sense, logical argument. Yoma 43b כך (היא) מ׳ הדין נותנת common sense dictates this; Shebu.14a. Y.Maas. Sh. II, 53c top תחומין עשו (כמ׳) למ׳ הדין they regulated the laws of Sabbath limits according to common sense (not by textual interpretation).c) decision in money matters, civil law (contrad. to ritual law). Y.Gitt.V, 46c bot. אף למ׳ הדין הכן the same principle holds good for civil law (collection of claims, v. כַּפְּרָנוּת); Y.Shebi.X, 39c bot. Ib. (last line) ולמידין מ׳ הדיןוכ׳ do we apply the rules of Prosbol (v. פְּרוֹזְבּוּל) to ordinary claims? Y.B. Kam.V, beg.4d לא הילכו במ׳ הדין אחר הרוב (strike out בממון) in civil law we are not guided by probabilities (v. דוֹב; cmp. Bab. ib. 27b). Y.Ber.II, 5a bot. ולמ׳ הד׳ but civil law (questions of possession). 4) principle, standard, consistency. Men.III, 4 במדתר׳וכ׳ following the principle of R. ; Pes.77b; Y. ib. VII, 34c top. Shek. IV, 6 אינח היא תמ׳ (comment. אינה מן המ׳) this is not consistent (with a previous rule). Ib. 7 השוה את מִדָּתוֹ (Y. ed. מִדּוֹתָיו) he makes his standards even (is consistent). Pes.I, 7 אינת חיא המ׳ this is not the right argument. Ib. 15b אמאי אינה היא המ׳ מ׳ ומ׳ היא why do you say, it is no argument? it is surely a correct argument. Y. Ḥag.III, 77d ‘Menahem went out means ממ׳ למ׳ יצא he went over from one principle to another (joined the opposition; Bab. ib. 16b יצא לתרבות רעה).Esp. מִדּוֹת rules of interpretation. Sifra introd., ch. 1, end הלל … שבע מ׳וכ׳ Hillel the Elder explained seven rules ; Ab. dR. N. ch. 37; Tosef.Snh.VII, 11. Sifra introd., beg. (R. Yishm. said) בשלש עשרה מ׳וכ׳ the Torah is interpreted by means of thirteen rules. (Appendix to treat. Brakhoth. ל״ב מ׳ שלר׳ יוסיוכ׳ the thirty two rules of R. José the Galilean.Lev. R. s. 3, beg. הלכות ומ׳ decisions and interpretations (by which the decisions were reached), v. מְכִילְתָּא.Gitt.67a מִידּוֹתַי תרומה מתרומות מִידּוֹתָיווכ׳ my rules of interpretation are the selection from selections of rules by R. Akiba.Ber.33b שעושח מדותיו של הקב״ח רחמיםוכ׳ he makes compassion the standard (or reason) of the divine laws, while they are decrees (the reasons for which it behooves not man to discuss); Y. ib. V, 9c כקורא תיגר על מ׳וכ׳ because it sounds as if he were finding fault with the ways of the Lord (as if the Lord were partial); כנותן קיצבח למ׳וכ׳ as though he were setting limits to the attributes of the Lord.

    Jewish literature > מִידָּה

  • 14 of

    acknowledgement of receipt
    подтверждение приема
    actual time of arrival
    фактическое время прибытия
    aerodrome of call
    аэродром выхода на радиосвязь
    aerodrome of departure
    аэродром вылета
    aerodrome of intended landing
    аэродром предполагаемой посадки
    aerodrome of origin
    аэродром приписки
    aircraft center - of - gravity
    центровка воздушного судна
    airport of departure
    аэропорт вылета
    airport of destination
    аэропорт назначения
    airport of entry
    аэропорт прилета
    allocation of duties
    распределение обязанностей
    allocation of frequencies
    распределение частот
    allotment of frequencies
    выделение частот
    alternative means of communication
    резервные средства связи
    amount of controls
    степень использования
    amount of feedback
    степень обратной связи
    amount of precipitation
    количество осадков
    angle of allowance
    угол упреждения
    angle of approach
    угол захода на посадку
    angle of approach light
    угол набора высоты
    angle of ascent
    угол набора высоты
    angle of attack
    угол атаки
    angle of climb
    угол набора высоты
    angle of coverage
    угол действия
    angle of crab
    угол сноса
    angle of descent
    угол снижения
    angle of deviation
    угол отклонения
    angle of dip
    угол магнитного склонения
    angle of dive
    угол пикирования
    angle of downwash
    угол скоса потока вниз
    angle of elevation
    угол места
    angle of exit
    угол схода
    angle of glide
    угол планирования
    angle of incidence
    угол атаки
    angle of indraft
    угол входа воздушной массы
    angle of lag
    угол отставания
    angle of landing
    посадочный угол
    angle of pitch
    угол тангажа
    angle of roll
    угол крена
    angle - of - sideslip transmitter
    датчик угла скольжения
    angle of sight
    угол прицеливания
    angle of slope
    угол наклона глиссады
    angle of stall
    угол сваливания
    angle of turn
    угол разворота
    angle of upwash
    угол скоса потока вверх
    angle of visibility
    угол обзора
    angle of yaw
    угол рыскания
    antimeridian of Greenwich
    меридиан, противоположный Гринвичскому
    apparent drift of the gyro
    кажущийся уход гироскопа
    application of tariffs
    применение тарифов
    approach rate of descent
    скорость снижения при заходе на посадку
    arc of a path
    дуга траектории
    arc of equal bearings
    дуга равных азимутов
    area of coverage
    зона действия
    area of coverage of the forecasts
    район обеспечения прогнозами
    area of occurence
    район происшествия
    area of responsibility
    зона ответственности
    arrest the development of the stall
    препятствовать сваливанию
    assessment of costs
    установление размеров расходов
    assignment of duties
    распределение обязанностей
    Association of European Airlines
    Ассоциация европейских авиакомпаний
    Association of South Pacific Airlines
    Ассоциация авиакомпаний южной части Тихого океана
    assumption of control message
    прием экипажем диспетчерского указания
    at a speed of
    на скорости
    at the end of
    в конце цикла
    at the end of segment
    в конце участка
    (полета) at the end of stroke
    в конце хода
    (поршня) at the start of cycle
    в начале цикла
    at the start of segment
    в начале участка
    (полета) aviation-to-aviation type of interference
    помехи от авиационных объектов
    avoidance of collisions
    предотвращение столкновений
    avoidance of hazardous conditions
    предупреждение опасных условий полета
    axial of bank
    продольная ось
    axis of precession
    ось прецессии гироскопа
    axis of roll
    продольная ось
    axis of rotation
    ось вращения
    axis of yaw
    вертикальная ось
    backward movement of the stick
    взятие ручки на себя
    be out of trim
    быть разбалансированным
    best rate of climb
    наибольшая скороподъемность
    bias out of view
    выходить из поля зрения
    bill of entry
    таможенная декларация
    bill of lading
    грузовая накладная
    blanketing of controls
    затенение рулей
    body of compass card
    диск картушки компаса
    boundary of the area
    граница зоны
    Bureau of Administration and Services
    Административно-хозяйственное управление
    camber of a profile
    кривизна профиля
    care of passengers
    обслуживание пассажиров
    carriage of passengers
    перевозка пассажиров
    carry out a circuit of the aerodrome
    выполнять круг полета над аэродромом
    cause of aircraft trouble
    причина неисправности воздушного судна
    center of air pressure
    центр аэродинамического давления
    center of depression
    центр низкого давления
    center of force
    центр приложения силы
    center of gravity
    центр тяжести
    center of mass
    центр масс
    center of pressure
    центр давления
    Central Agency of Air Service
    Главное агентство воздушных сообщений
    certificate of revaccination
    сертификат ревакцинации
    certificate of safety for flight
    свидетельство о допуске к полетам
    certificate of vaccination
    сертификат вакцинации
    choice of field
    выбор посадочной площадки
    class of lift
    класс посадки
    clearance of goods
    таможенное разрешение на провоз
    clearance of obstacles
    безопасная высота пролета препятствий
    clearance of the aircraft
    разрешение воздушному судну
    coefficient of heat transfer
    коэффициент теплопередачи
    come clear of the ground
    отрываться от земли
    complex type of aircraft
    комбинированный тип воздушного судна
    composition of a crew
    состав экипажа
    concept of separation
    conditions of carriage
    условия перевозок
    cone of rays
    пучок лучей
    congestion of information
    насыщенность информации
    continuity of guidance
    непрерывность наведения
    contour of perceived noise
    контур воспринимаемого шума
    control of an investigation
    контроль за ходом расследования
    correlation of levels
    приведение эшелонов в соответствие
    country of arrival
    страна прилета
    country of origin
    страна вылета
    course of training
    курс подготовки
    coverage of the chart
    картографируемый район
    curve of equal bearings
    линия равных азимутов
    danger of collisions
    опасность столкновения
    degree of accuracy
    степень точности
    degree of freedom
    степень свободы
    degree of skill
    уровень квалификации
    degree of stability
    степень устойчивости
    denial of carriage
    отказ в перевозке
    Department of Transportation
    Министерство транспорта
    derivation of operating data
    расчет эксплуатационных параметров
    determination of cause
    установление причины
    determine amount of the error
    определять величину девиации
    determine the extent of damage
    определять степень повреждения
    determine the sign of deviation
    определять знак девиации
    development of the stall
    процесс сваливания
    direction of approach
    направление захода на посадку
    direction of rotation
    направление вращения
    direction of turn
    направление разворота
    duration of noise effect
    продолжительность воздействия шума
    elevation of the strip
    превышение летной полосы
    elevation setting of light units
    установка углов возвышения глиссадных огней
    eliminate the cause of
    устранять причину
    eliminate the source of danger
    устранять источник опасности
    (для воздушного движения) end of runway
    начало ВПП
    enforce rules of the air
    обеспечивать соблюдение правил полетов
    en-route change of level
    изменение эшелона на маршруте
    erection of the gyro
    восстановление гироскопа
    estimated position of aircraft
    расчетное положение воздушного судна
    estimated time of arrival
    расчетное время прибытия
    estimated time of departure
    расчетное время вылета
    estimated time of flight
    расчетное время полета
    even use of fuel
    равномерная выработка топлива
    extension of ticket validity
    продление срока годности билета
    extent of damage
    степень повреждения
    facilitate rapid clearance of
    обеспечивать быстрое освобождение
    factor of safety
    уровень безопасности
    filing of statistical data
    представление статистических данных
    first freedom of the air
    первая степень свободы воздуха
    first type of occurence
    первый тип события
    flow of air traffic
    поток воздушного движения
    fly under the supervision of
    летать под контролем
    for reasons of safety
    в целях безопасности
    freedom of action
    свобода действий
    freedom of the air
    степень свободы воздуха
    frequency of operations
    частота полетов
    gathering of information
    сбор информации
    general conditions of carriage
    основные условия перевозки
    General Conference of Weights and Measure
    Генеральная конференция по мерам и весам
    General Department of International Air Services of Aeroflot
    Центральное управление международных воздушных сообщений гражданской авиации
    get out of control
    терять управление
    given conditions of flight
    заданные условия полета
    go out of control
    становиться неуправляемым
    go out of the spin
    выходить из штопора
    grade of service
    категория обслуживания
    grade of the pilot licence
    класс пилотского свидетельства
    grading of runway
    нивелирование ВПП
    height at start of retraction
    высота начала уборки
    hover at the height of
    зависать на высоте
    identification of signals
    опознавание сигналов
    inconventional type of aircraft
    нестандартный тип воздушного судна
    increase a camber of the profile
    увеличивать кривизну профиля
    indication of a request
    обозначение запроса
    in interests of safety
    в интересах безопасности
    initial rate of climb
    начальная скороподъемность
    initial stage of go-around
    начальный участок ухода на второй круг
    inlet angle of attack
    угол атаки заборного устройства
    intake angle of attack
    угол атаки воздухозаборника
    integrated system of airspace control
    комплексная система контроля воздушного пространства
    interception of civil aircraft
    перехват гражданского воздушного судна
    International Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association
    Международный координационный совет ассоциаций авиакосмической промышленности
    International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations
    Международный совет ассоциаций владельцев воздушных судов и пилотов
    International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations
    Международная федерация ассоциаций линейных пилотов
    International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations
    Международная федерация ассоциаций авиадиспетчеров
    International Relations Department of the Ministry of Civil Aviation
    Управление внешних сношений Министерства гражданской авиации
    interpretation of the signal
    расшифровка сигнала
    interpretation of weather chart
    чтение метеорологической карты
    intersection of air routes
    пересечение воздушных трасс
    in the case of delay
    в случае задержки
    in the event of a mishap
    в случае происшествия
    in the event of malfunction
    в случая отказа
    introduction of the corrections
    ввод поправок
    keep clear of rotor blades
    остерегаться лопастей несущего винта
    keep clear of the aircraft
    держаться на безопасном расстоянии от воздушного судна
    keep out of the way
    не занимать трассу
    layout of aerodrome markings
    маркировка аэродрома
    layout of controls
    расположение органов управления
    lessee of an aircraft
    арендатор воздушного судна
    level of airworthiness
    уровень летной годности
    level of safety
    уровень безопасности
    level of speech interference
    уровень помех речевой связи
    limiting range of mass
    предел ограничения массы
    line of flight
    линия полета
    line of position
    линия положения
    line of sight
    линия визирования
    location of distress
    район бедствия
    loss of control
    потеря управления
    loss of pressurization
    loss of strength
    потеря прочности
    magnetic orientation of runway
    ориентировка ВПП по магнитному меридиану
    margin of error
    допуск на погрешность
    margin of lift
    запас подъемной силы
    margin of safety
    допустимый уровень безопасности
    margin of stability
    запас устойчивости
    marking of pavements
    маркировка покрытия
    mean scale of the chart
    средний масштаб карты
    means of communication
    средства связи
    means of identification
    средства опознавания
    meridian of Greenwich
    гринвичский меридиан
    method of steepest descent
    способ резкого снижения
    mode of flight
    режим полета
    moment of inertia
    момент инерции
    moment of momentum
    момент количества движения
    name-code of the route
    кодирование названия маршрута
    onset of wind
    резкий порыв ветра
    operation of aircraft
    эксплуатация воздушного судна
    out of ground effect
    вне зоны влияния земли
    out of service
    изъятый из эксплуатации
    overshoot capture of the glide slope
    поздний захват глиссадного луча
    period of rating currency
    период действия квалифицированной отметки
    personal property of passengers
    личные вещи пассажиров
    pilot's field of view
    поле зрения пилота
    plane of rotation
    плоскость вращения
    plane of symmetry of the aeroplane
    плоскость симметрии самолета
    point of arrival
    пункт прилета
    point of call
    пункт выхода на связь
    point of departure
    пункт вылета
    point of destination
    пункт назначения
    point of discontinuity
    точка разрыва
    point of intersection
    точка пересечения
    point of loading
    пункт погрузки
    point of no return
    рубеж возврата
    point of origin
    пункт вылета
    point of turn-around
    рубеж разворота
    point of unloading
    пункт выгрузки
    portion of a flight
    отрезок полета
    portion of a runway
    участок ВПП
    prevention of collisions
    предотвращение столкновений
    primary element of structure
    основной элемент конструкции
    prohibition of landing
    запрещение посадки
    prolongation of the rating
    продление срока действия квалификационной отметки
    promotion of safety
    обеспечение безопасности полетов
    proof of compliance
    доказательство соответствия
    propagation of sound
    распространение шума
    protection of evidence
    сохранение вещественных доказательств
    pull out of the spin
    выводить из штопора
    pull the aircraft out of
    брать штурвал на себя
    radar transfer of control
    передача радиолокационного диспетчерского управления
    radius of curvature
    радиус кривизны
    range of coverage
    радиус действия
    range of motion
    диапазон отклонения
    range of revolutions
    диапазон оборотов
    range of visibility
    дальность видимости
    range of vision
    дальность обзора
    rate of climb
    rate of closure
    скорость сближения
    rate of descent
    скорость снижения
    rate of disagreement
    скорость рассогласования
    rate of duty
    скорость таможенной пошлины
    rate of exchange
    курс обмена валюты
    rate of flaps motion
    скорость отклонения закрылков
    rate of growth
    темп роста
    rate of pitch
    скорость по тангажу
    rate of roll
    скорость крена
    rate of sideslip
    скорость бокового скольжения
    rate of trim
    скорость балансировки
    rate of turn
    скорость разворота
    rate of yaw
    скорость рыскания
    reception of telephony
    прием телефонных сообщений
    record of amendments
    лист учета поправок
    record of revisions
    внесение поправок
    regularity of operations
    регулярность полетов
    relay of messages
    передача сообщений
    release of control
    передача управления
    removal of aircraft
    удаление воздушного судна
    removal of limitations
    отмена ограничений
    replacement of parts
    замена деталей
    representative of a carrier
    представитель перевозчика
    reservation of a seat
    бронирование места
    retirement of aircraft
    списание воздушного судна
    right - of - entry
    преимущественное право входа
    roll out of the turn
    выходить из разворота
    rules of the air
    правила полетов
    safe handling of an aircraft
    безопасное управление воздушным судном
    second freedom of the air
    вторая степень свободы воздуха
    second type of occurence
    второй тип события
    selection of engine mode
    выбор режима работы двигателя
    sequence of fuel usage
    очередность выработки топлива
    (по группам баков) sequence of operation
    последовательность выполнения операций
    showers of rain and snow
    ливневый дождь со снегом
    simultaneous use of runways
    одновременная эксплуатация нескольких ВПП
    site of occurrence
    место происшествия
    slope of level
    наклон кривой уровня
    (шумов) source of danger
    источник опасности
    Standing Committee of Performance
    Постоянный комитет по летно-техническим характеристикам
    start of leveloff
    начало выравнивания
    start of takeoff
    начало разбега при взлете
    state of aircraft manufacture
    государство - изготовитель воздушного судна
    state of discharge
    степень разряженности
    (аккумулятора) state of emergency
    аварийное состояние
    state of occurence
    государство места события
    state of transit
    государство транзита
    steadiness of approach
    устойчивость при заходе на посадку
    steady rate of climb
    установившаяся скорость набора высоты
    structure of fronts
    структура атмосферных фронтов
    submission of a flight plan
    представление плана полета
    system of monitoring visual aids
    система контроля за работой визуальных средств
    (на аэродроме) system of units
    система единиц
    (измерения) table of cruising levels
    таблица крейсерских эшелонов
    table of intensity settings
    таблица регулировки интенсивности
    table of limits
    таблица ограничений
    table of tolerance
    таблица допусков
    take out of service
    снимать с эксплуатации
    target level of safety
    заданный уровень безопасности полетов
    temporary loss of control
    временная потеря управляемости
    termination of control
    прекращение диспетчерского обслуживания
    theory of flight
    теория полета
    time of lag
    время запаздывания
    time of origin
    время отправления
    titl of the gyro
    завал гироскопа
    top of climb
    конечный участок набора высоты
    transfer of control
    передача диспетчерского управления
    transmission of telephony
    передача радиотелефонных сообщений
    transmit on frequency of
    вести передачу на частоте
    triangle of velocities
    треугольник скоростей
    under any kind of engine failure
    при любом отказе двигателя
    uneven use of fuel
    неравномерная выработка топлива
    unit of measurement
    единица измерения
    velocity of sound
    скорость звука
    wall of overpressure
    фронт избыточного давления
    warn of danger
    предупреждать об опасности
    within the frame of
    в пределах
    working language of ICAO
    рабочий язык ИКАО
    zone of intersection
    зона пересечения
    zone of silence
    зона молчания

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > of

  • 15 support

    1. verb
    1) (to bear the weight of, or hold upright, in place etc: That chair won't support him / his weight; He limped home, supported by a friend on either side of him.) aguantar, sostener
    2) (to give help, or approval to: He has always supported our cause; His family supported him in his decision.) apoyar, secundar, respaldar
    3) (to provide evidence for the truth of: New discoveries have been made that support his theory; The second witness supported the statement of the first one.) corroborar, confirmar
    4) (to supply with the means of living: He has a wife and four children to support.) mantener

    2. noun
    1) (the act of supporting or state of being supported: That type of shoe doesn't give the foot much support; The plan was cancelled because of lack of support; Her job is the family's only means of support; I would like to say a word or two in support of his proposal.) apoyo, soporte
    2) (something that supports: One of the supports of the bridge collapsed.) soporte
    - supporting
    1. apoyo
    2. soporte
    support2 vb
    1. sostener
    2. mantener
    3. apoyar
    4. ser de
    which team do you support? ¿de qué equipo eres?
    3 (moral) apoyo, respaldo
    4 (financial) ayuda económica, apoyo económico; (sustenance) sustento; (person) sostén nombre masculino
    1 (roof, bridge, etc) sostener; (weight) aguantar, resistir; (part of body) sujetar
    2 (back, encourage) apoyar, respaldar, ayudar; (cause, motion, proposal) apoyar, estar de acuerdo con
    3 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (follow) seguir; (encourage) animar
    which team do you support? ¿de qué equipo eres?
    4 (keep, sustain) mantener, sustentar, sostener; (feed) alimentar
    5 (corroborate, substantiate) confirmar, respaldar, apoyar, respaldar
    6 formal use (endure) soportar, tolerar
    in support of somebody/something en apoyo de alguien/algo, a favor de alguien/algo
    to drum up support for somebody/something conseguir apoyo para alguien/algo
    to support oneself ganarse la vida
    support group (offering help) grupo de apoyo 2 (musicians) grupo telonero
    support [sə'port] vt
    1) back: apoyar, respaldar
    2) maintain: mantener, sostener, sustentar
    3) prop up: sostener, apoyar, apuntalar, soportar
    1) : apoyo m (moral), ayuda f (económica)
    2) prop: soporte m, apoyo m
    apoyo s.m.
    arrimadero s.m.
    arrimo s.m.
    ayuda s.f.
    báculo s.m.
    encomienda s.f.
    entibo s.m.
    muleta s.f.
    puntal s.m.
    pábulo s.m.
    respaldo s.m.
    soporte s.m.
    sostenimiento s.m.
    sostén s.m.
    suspensorio s.m.
    sustento s.m.
    sustentáculo s.m.
    afianzar v.
    apadrinar v.
    apoyar v.
    apuntalar v.
    mantener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    respaldar v.
    soportar v.
    sostener v.
    (§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-
    fut/c: -tendr-•)
    sustentar v.

    I sə'pɔːrt, sə'pɔːt
    1) ( hold up) \<\<bridge/structure\>\> sostener*
    a) (maintain, sustain) \<\<family/children\>\> mantener*, sostener*, sustentar

    to support oneselfganarse la vida or (liter) el sustento

    b) ( Comput) admitir
    a) ( back) \<\<cause/motion\>\> apoyar

    which team do you support? — ¿de qué equipo eres (hincha)?

    b) ( back up) apoyar
    4) ( corroborate) \<\<theory\>\> respaldar, confirmar, sustentar

    a) c ( of structure) soporte m
    b) u ( physical)
    a) u ( financial) ayuda f (económica), apoyo m (económico)
    b) c ( person) sostén m
    3) u (backing, encouragement) apoyo m, respaldo m
    4) u
    a) ( Mil) apoyo m, refuerzo m
    b) ( backup) servicio m al cliente

    technical/dealer support — servicio técnico/de ventas; (before n) <package, material> adicional, suplementario


    in support of(as prep)

    1. N
    a) (=object) soporte m
    b) (=capacity to support) soporte m
    c) (Med) soporte m
    2) (fig)
    a) (=help) apoyo m

    to give sb support — dar apoyo a algn, apoyar a algn

    moral support — apoyo moral

    b) (=backing) apoyo m

    he has given his support to the reform programmeha apoyado or respaldado el programa de reforma, ha dado su apoyo or respaldo al programa de reforma

    do I have I your support in this? — ¿puedo contar con tu apoyo para esto?

    their capacity to act in support of their political objectives — su capacidad de actuar en pos de sus objetivos políticos

    popular support — apoyo m popular

    c) (financial) ayuda f, respaldo m

    financial supportayuda f económica, respaldo m económico

    with Government support — con la ayuda del Gobierno, respaldado por el Gobierno

    d) (esp Comm) (=backup) servicio m de asistencia (al cliente)

    after-sales support — servicio m posventa, asistencia f posventa

    technical support — servicio m de asistencia técnica

    e) (Mil) apoyo m
    f) (=evidence)

    in support of this argument he states that... — para apoyar or respaldar este argumento aduce que...

    2. VT
    1) (=hold up) sostener

    raise your upper body off the ground, supporting your weight on your arms — apoyándose en los brazos levante el tronco del suelo

    to support o.s. — (physically) apoyarse (on en)

    2) (=help)
    a) (emotionally) apoyar
    b) (financially) [+ person] mantener; [+ organization, project] financiar

    to support o.s. — (financially) ganarse la vida

    3) (=back) [+ proposal, project, person] apoyar
    4) (Sport) [+ team]

    who do you support? — ¿de qué equipo eres (hincha)?

    come and support your team! — ¡ven a animar a tu equipo!

    5) (=corroborate) [+ theory, view] respaldar, confirmar
    6) (=sustain)

    an environment capable of supporting human life — un medio en que existen las condiciones necesarias para que se desarrolle la vida humana

    7) frm (=tolerate) tolerar
    8) (Mus) [+ band] actuar de telonero/teloneros de
    9) (Cine, Theat) [+ principal actor] secundar

    support band N — (Mus) teloneros mpl

    support group Ngrupo m de apoyo

    a support group for victims of crimeun grupo de apoyo or una asociación de ayuda a las víctimas de la delincuencia

    support hose Nmedias fpl de compresión graduada

    support network Nred f de apoyo

    support ship Nbarco m de apoyo

    support stocking Nmedia f de compresión graduada

    support tights NPLmedias fpl de compresión (graduada)

    support troops NPLtropas fpl de apoyo

    * * *

    I [sə'pɔːrt, sə'pɔːt]
    1) ( hold up) \<\<bridge/structure\>\> sostener*
    a) (maintain, sustain) \<\<family/children\>\> mantener*, sostener*, sustentar

    to support oneselfganarse la vida or (liter) el sustento

    b) ( Comput) admitir
    a) ( back) \<\<cause/motion\>\> apoyar

    which team do you support? — ¿de qué equipo eres (hincha)?

    b) ( back up) apoyar
    4) ( corroborate) \<\<theory\>\> respaldar, confirmar, sustentar

    a) c ( of structure) soporte m
    b) u ( physical)
    a) u ( financial) ayuda f (económica), apoyo m (económico)
    b) c ( person) sostén m
    3) u (backing, encouragement) apoyo m, respaldo m
    4) u
    a) ( Mil) apoyo m, refuerzo m
    b) ( backup) servicio m al cliente

    technical/dealer support — servicio técnico/de ventas; (before n) <package, material> adicional, suplementario


    in support of(as prep)

    English-spanish dictionary > support

  • 16 ganador

    winner, prizewinner, gainer, lucky winner.
    * * *
    1 winning
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 winner
    * * *
    1. (f. - ganadora)
    2. (f. - ganadora)
    * * *
    ganador, -a
    ADJ (=vencedor) winning, victorious

    apostar a ganador y colocado — to back (a horse) each way, back for a win and a place

    SM / F winner; (Econ) earner; [que se beneficia] gainer
    * * *
    - dora adjetivo <equipo/caballo> winning (before n)
    - dora masculino, femenino winner
    * * *
    = winner, gainer, winning, victorious, victor.
    Ex. The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.
    Ex. Is this claim based on a principle to which you would have subscribed even if, as far as you know, you were as likely to be a loser as a gainer by its implication?.
    Ex. The winning entry in the competition to produce a design for the main library building is described and a floor plan of the building is presented.
    Ex. The author offers an interpretation of why in professional wrestling the bad guy is often victorious, by whatever means necessary including foul play.
    Ex. Sports are about winning and losing and that they will always demand great victors and tragic losers.
    * ganador de la lotería = lottery winner.
    * ganador de premio = award winner.
    * ganador de un premio = awardee.
    * ganador de votos = vote-getter.
    * ganador sorpresa = dark horse.
    * lista de ganadores = roll of honour.
    * * *
    - dora adjetivo <equipo/caballo> winning (before n)
    - dora masculino, femenino winner
    * * *
    = winner, gainer, winning, victorious, victor.

    Ex: The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.

    Ex: Is this claim based on a principle to which you would have subscribed even if, as far as you know, you were as likely to be a loser as a gainer by its implication?.
    Ex: The winning entry in the competition to produce a design for the main library building is described and a floor plan of the building is presented.
    Ex: The author offers an interpretation of why in professional wrestling the bad guy is often victorious, by whatever means necessary including foul play.
    Ex: Sports are about winning and losing and that they will always demand great victors and tragic losers.
    * ganador de la lotería = lottery winner.
    * ganador de premio = award winner.
    * ganador de un premio = awardee.
    * ganador de votos = vote-getter.
    * ganador sorpresa = dark horse.
    * lista de ganadores = roll of honour.

    * * *
    ‹equipo/caballo› winning ( before n)
    la película ganadora del Oscar the Oscar-winning film
    masculine, feminine
    * * *

    ◊ - dora adjetivo ‹equipo/caballo winning ( before n);

    la película ganadora del Oscar the Oscar-winning film
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    I adjetivo winning
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino winner

    ' ganador' also found in these entries:
    - agraciado
    - ganadora
    - ganarse
    - quién
    - vencedor
    - vencedora
    - Nobel
    - prizewinner
    - winner
    - winning
    - entry
    - prize
    * * *
    ganador, -ora
    el escritor ganador del Nobel the Nobel prize-winning writer
    * * *
    I adj winning
    II m, ganadora f winner
    * * *
    ganador, - dora adj
    : winning
    : winner
    * * *
    ganador1 adj winning
    ganador2 n winner
    y el ganador es... and the winner is...

    Spanish-English dictionary > ganador

  • 17 parecido

    similar, analogous, alike, akin.
    resemblance, likeness, parallel, similarity.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: parecer.
    * * *
    1 similar
    1 resemblance, likeness
    tener parecido con alguien to bear a resemblance to somebody
    bien parecido,-a good-looking
    mal parecido,-a ugly
    1 resemblance, likeness
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. (f. - parecida)
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=similar) similar

    ser parecido a algo — to be similar to sth, be like sth

    mi reloj es muy parecido al tuyo — my watch is very similar to yours, my watch is very like yours

    ser parecido a algn[de aspecto] to look like sb; [de carácter] to be like sb


    bien parecido — good-looking, nice-looking, handsome

    SM resemblance, likeness

    yo no te veo el parecido con tu hermanoI can't see the resemblance o likeness between you and your brother

    hay un gran parecido entre las dos historiasthere is a great resemblance o likeness between the two stories, the two stories are very alike

    * * *
    - da adjetivo

    no son tan parecidos — ( personas) they're not so alike; ( cosas) they're not that similar

    eres muy parecido a tu padre — you're a lot like your father; bien parecido, mal parecido

    masculino resemblance

    tiene cierto parecido con su hermanohe bears some o a certain resemblance to his brother

    * * *
    = like, similar, common thread, resemblance, like-minded, alike, sameness, similitude, kindred.
    Nota: Véase red para otras palabras terminadas con este sufijo.
    Ex. Inversion may offer the advantage of grouping like subjects.
    Ex. Both the author and the subject approach for nonbook materials can be regarded as broadly similar for all media.
    Ex. The life of William Lowndes shows a common thread with that of Robert Watt in being far from a happy one.
    Ex. We have already pointed out the startling resemblance between this and the published outline of the 'new' BSO being prepared for UNISIST.
    Ex. Directories of organizations and human resources are an excellent means of knowing who is doing what and where and assist in the networking among like-minded institutions.
    Ex. Although users are better informed than non-users, they are fairly alike in their attitudes toward such issues as capital punishment and the effect of alcohol on driving.
    Ex. A new wave of books dealing frankly with such concerns as sex, alcoholism and broken homes was seen as a breakthrough, but plots and styles have begun to show a wearying sameness.
    Ex. The third type of interpretation also embodies delicacy, but a kind that resembles narcissistic similitude and involution, with even suggestions of unisexuality.
    Ex. The indexer must evaluate whether the index user will profit if a distinction is made between two kindred terms.
    * bien parecido = personable, good looking.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * muy parecido a = much like.
    * o algo parecido = or something of that sort, or something to that effect, or something of that nature, or anything like that, or words to that effect.
    * parecido a = akin to, equalling that, along the lines of, to the effect of, kind of like.
    * parecido a la realidad = lifelike [life-like].
    * parecido a las noticias = news-type.
    * parecido a los pelos = hair-like.
    * parecido a una avispa = waspish.
    * parecido a una bandeja = tray-like.
    * parecido a una caja = boxlike.
    * parecido a una capa = cape-like.
    * parecido a un ácaro = mite-like.
    * parecido a una catedral = cathedral-like.
    * parecido a una oficina de información al ciudadano = CAB-type.
    * parecido a un catálogo = catalogue type.
    * parecido a un desierto = desert-like.
    * parecido a un diccionario = dictionary-like.
    * parecido a un laberinto = maze-like.
    * parecido a un paraíso = paradise-like.
    * parecido a un remo = paddle-like.
    * parecido a un sistema experto = expert-type.
    * parecido a un televisor = TV-like.
    * parecido a un tiburón = sharky.
    * parecido a un violín = fiddle-like.
    * ser parecido = be on a par.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo

    no son tan parecidos — ( personas) they're not so alike; ( cosas) they're not that similar

    eres muy parecido a tu padre — you're a lot like your father; bien parecido, mal parecido

    masculino resemblance

    tiene cierto parecido con su hermanohe bears some o a certain resemblance to his brother

    * * *
    = like, similar, common thread, resemblance, like-minded, alike, sameness, similitude, kindred.
    Nota: Véase red para otras palabras terminadas con este sufijo.

    Ex: Inversion may offer the advantage of grouping like subjects.

    Ex: Both the author and the subject approach for nonbook materials can be regarded as broadly similar for all media.
    Ex: The life of William Lowndes shows a common thread with that of Robert Watt in being far from a happy one.
    Ex: We have already pointed out the startling resemblance between this and the published outline of the 'new' BSO being prepared for UNISIST.
    Ex: Directories of organizations and human resources are an excellent means of knowing who is doing what and where and assist in the networking among like-minded institutions.
    Ex: Although users are better informed than non-users, they are fairly alike in their attitudes toward such issues as capital punishment and the effect of alcohol on driving.
    Ex: A new wave of books dealing frankly with such concerns as sex, alcoholism and broken homes was seen as a breakthrough, but plots and styles have begun to show a wearying sameness.
    Ex: The third type of interpretation also embodies delicacy, but a kind that resembles narcissistic similitude and involution, with even suggestions of unisexuality.
    Ex: The indexer must evaluate whether the index user will profit if a distinction is made between two kindred terms.
    * bien parecido = personable, good looking.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * muy parecido a = much like.
    * o algo parecido = or something of that sort, or something to that effect, or something of that nature, or anything like that, or words to that effect.
    * parecido a = akin to, equalling that, along the lines of, to the effect of, kind of like.
    * parecido a la realidad = lifelike [life-like].
    * parecido a las noticias = news-type.
    * parecido a los pelos = hair-like.
    * parecido a una avispa = waspish.
    * parecido a una bandeja = tray-like.
    * parecido a una caja = boxlike.
    * parecido a una capa = cape-like.
    * parecido a un ácaro = mite-like.
    * parecido a una catedral = cathedral-like.
    * parecido a una oficina de información al ciudadano = CAB-type.
    * parecido a un catálogo = catalogue type.
    * parecido a un desierto = desert-like.
    * parecido a un diccionario = dictionary-like.
    * parecido a un laberinto = maze-like.
    * parecido a un paraíso = paradise-like.
    * parecido a un remo = paddle-like.
    * parecido a un sistema experto = expert-type.
    * parecido a un televisor = TV-like.
    * parecido a un tiburón = sharky.
    * parecido a un violín = fiddle-like.
    * ser parecido = be on a par.

    * * *
    parecido1 -da
    no los veo tan parecidos como dicen I don't think they're as much alike as people say
    son muy parecidas de cara they have very similar features
    llevaba una especie de capa o algo parecido she was wearing a kind of cape or something like that
    yo tengo una falda muy parecida I have a very similar skirt
    parecido A algo/algn similar TO sth/sb
    eres muy parecido a tu padre you're a lot like o ( BrE) very like your father
    tiene cierto parecido con su hermano he bears some resemblance o a certain resemblance to his brother
    no le encuentro ningún parecido con su familia I can't see any family resemblance
    tiene un gran parecido a or con Jaime there is a close resemblance between him and Jaime, he's a lot like Jaime, he and Jaime are very alike
    son de un parecido asombroso there's a startling resemblance o likeness between them
    * * *


    Del verbo parecer: ( conjugate parecer)

    parecido es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    parecer 1 ( conjugate parecer) verbo intransitivo
    1 ( aparentar ser):

    no pareces tú en esta foto this picture doesn't look like you (at all);
    parecía de cuero it looked like leather;
    parece ser muy inteligente she seems to be very clever
    2 ( expresando opinión) (+ me/te/le etc):

    ¿qué te parecieron? what did you think of them?;
    vamos a la playa ¿te parece? what do you think, shall we go to the beach?;
    si te parece bien if that's alright with you;
    me parece que sí I think so;
    ¿a ti qué te parece? what do you think?;
    me parece importante I think it's important;
    me pareció que no era necesario I didn't think it necessary;
    hazlo como mejor te parezca do it however o as you think best;
    me parece mal que vaya sola I don't think it's right that she should go on her own
    3 ( dar la impresión) (en 3a pers): así parece or parece que sí it looks like it;
    aunque no lo parezca, está limpio it might not look like it, but it's clean;

    parece que va a llover it looks like (it's going to) rain;
    parece que fue ayer it seems like only yesterday;
    parece mentira que tenga 20 años it's hard to believe o I can't believe that he's 20;
    parece que fuera más joven you'd think she was much younger
    parecerse verbo pronominal
    a) ( asemejarse) parecidose A algn/algo ( en lo físico) to look o to be like sb/sth;

    ( en el carácter) to be like sb/sth

    no se parecen en nada they're not/they don't look in the least bit alike;

    se parecen mucho they are very similar
    parecer 2 sustantivo masculino ( opinión) opinion;

    son del mismo parecido they're of the same opinion
    parecido 1 -da adjetivo [ser] ‹ personas alike;

    cosas similar;

    una especie de capa o algo parecido a cape or something like that;
    parecido A algo similar to sth;
    eres muy parecido a tu padre you're a lot like your father
    parecido 2 sustantivo masculino
    resemblance, similarity;
    tiene cierto parecido con su hermano he bears some o a certain resemblance to his brother;
    hay un parecido en sus estilos there is a resemblance o similarity in their styles
    parecer 1 sustantivo masculino
    1 (juicio, opinión) opinion
    cambiar de parecer, to change one's mind
    2 frml (aspecto, presencia) appearance
    parecer 2 verbo intransitivo
    1 (tener un parecido) to look like: pareces una reina, you look like a queen
    (tener un aspecto) to look: pareces agotado, you look exhausted
    2 (causar una impresión) to seem: parecía tener prisa, he seemed to be in a hurry
    su intención parece buena, his intention seems good
    3 (al emitir un juicio) le pareces un engreído, he thinks you are a bighead
    me parece inoportuno, it seems very ill-timed to me
    ¿qué te parece si vamos al cine?, what about going to the cinema?
    4 (uso impersonal) parece que va a haber tormenta, it looks as if there's going to be a storm
    no parece que le importe, it doesn't seem to bother him
    parecido,-a adjetivo
    1 alike, similar 2 bien parecido, good-looking
    II sustantivo masculino likeness, resemblance: no guarda parecido con el anterior, it doesn't bear any resemblance to the previous one

    ' parecido' also found in these entries:
    - aire
    - clavada
    - clavado
    - copia
    - identidad
    - igual
    - igualdad
    - imitación
    - parecer
    - parecerse
    - parecida
    - reconocerse
    - semejante
    - asemejar
    - recordar
    - vago
    - difference
    - exact
    - lacy
    - like
    - likeness
    - parallel
    - similar
    - similarity
    - similarly
    - such
    - thing
    - close
    - -like
    - resemblance
    - rounders
    - rubbery
    - salad
    - vaguely
    * * *
    parecido, -a
    parecido a similar to, like;
    es parecido a su padre he resembles his father;
    ¡habráse visto cosa parecida! have you ever heard o seen the like?;
    bien parecido [atractivo] good-looking;
    mal parecido [feo] ugly
    resemblance (con/entre to/between);
    el parecido entre todos los hermanos es asombroso there's a startling resemblance between all the brothers;
    tiene un gran parecido a John Wayne he looks very like John Wayne;
    cualquier parecido es pura coincidencia any similarity is purely coincidental
    * * *
    I adj similar;
    bien parecido good-looking;
    no mal parecido not bad-looking
    II m similarity;
    tener un gran parecido look a lot alike
    * * *
    parecido, -da adj
    1) : similar, alike
    bien parecido : good-looking
    : resemblance, similarity
    * * *
    parecido1 adj similar
    parecido2 n (semejanza) resemblance / similarity

    Spanish-English dictionary > parecido

  • 18 patológico

    1 pathological, pathologic, sick.
    2 pathological, disease-related.
    * * *
    1 pathological
    * * *
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo pathological
    * * *
    = pathological, pathologic.
    Ex. Crises are by no means pathological states but rather, inevitable events in the chain of evolution.
    Ex. This article reports the results of a study to determine the accuracy of interpretation of microscopic images for pathologic study transmitted using a videoconferencing system.
    * anatomía patológica = pathological anatomy.
    * mentiroso patológico = pathological liar, compulsive liar.
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo pathological
    * * *
    = pathological, pathologic.

    Ex: Crises are by no means pathological states but rather, inevitable events in the chain of evolution.

    Ex: This article reports the results of a study to determine the accuracy of interpretation of microscopic images for pathologic study transmitted using a videoconferencing system.
    * anatomía patológica = pathological anatomy.
    * mentiroso patológico = pathological liar, compulsive liar.

    * * *
    * * *

    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    patológico,-a adjetivo pathological

    ' patológico' also found in these entries:
    - pathological
    * * *
    patológico, -a adj
    1. [de la patología] pathological
    2. [enfermizo] pathological;
    tiene un miedo patológico al dentista she has a pathological fear of dentists
    * * *
    adj pathological
    * * *
    patológico, -ca adj
    : pathological

    Spanish-English dictionary > patológico

  • 19 triunfador

    triumphant, victorious.
    winner, triumpher, successful person, victor.
    * * *
    1 winning
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 winner
    * * *
    triunfador, -a
    ADJ [ejército] triumphant, victorious; [equipo, concursante] winning, victorious
    SM / F winner
    * * *
    - dora adjetivo < ejército> triumphant; < equipo> winning (before n), triumphant
    - dora masculino, femenino winner
    * * *
    = top dog, triumphant, victorious, winner.
    Ex. The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.
    Ex. From 1941 to 1946, boys in the USA read works featuring always triumphant American men in battle against enemy troops.
    Ex. The author offers an interpretation of why in professional wrestling the bad guy is often victorious, by whatever means necessary including foul play.
    Ex. The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.
    * * *
    - dora adjetivo < ejército> triumphant; < equipo> winning (before n), triumphant
    - dora masculino, femenino winner
    * * *
    = top dog, triumphant, victorious, winner.

    Ex: The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.

    Ex: From 1941 to 1946, boys in the USA read works featuring always triumphant American men in battle against enemy troops.
    Ex: The author offers an interpretation of why in professional wrestling the bad guy is often victorious, by whatever means necessary including foul play.
    Ex: The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.

    * * *
    ‹ejército› triumphant, victorious; ‹equipo› winning ( before n), triumphant
    masculine, feminine
    winner, victor ( liter)
    * * *

    ◊ - dora adjetivo ‹ ejército triumphant;

    equipo winning ( before n), triumphant
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    I adjetivo winning
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino winner
    ' triunfador' also found in these entries:
    - triumphant
    * * *
    triunfador, -ora
    [equipo] winning; [ejército] victorious;
    * * *
    I adj winning
    II m, triunfadora f winner, victor

    Spanish-English dictionary > triunfador

  • 20 vencedor

    winning, conquering, triumphant, victorious.
    conqueror, vanquisher, winner, victor.
    * * *
    1 (equipo etc) winning
    2 MILITAR conquering, victorious
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 (equipo etc) winner, victor
    2 MILITAR conqueror, victor
    * * *
    1. (f. - vencedora)
    winner, victor
    2. (f. - vencedora)
    * * *
    vencedor, -a
    ADJ [equipo, partido] winning, victorious frm; [general, país] victorious
    SM/ F
    (=ganador) [de una competición, elecciones] winner; [de una guerra] victor
    * * *
    - dora adjetivo <ejército/país> victorious; <equipo/jugador> winning (before n)
    - dora masculino, femenino ( en guerra) victor; ( en competición) winner

    no habrá vencedores ni vencidos — (frml) there will be no victors and no vanquished (frml)

    * * *
    = winner, victorious, victor.
    Ex. The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.
    Ex. The author offers an interpretation of why in professional wrestling the bad guy is often victorious, by whatever means necessary including foul play.
    Ex. Sports are about winning and losing and that they will always demand great victors and tragic losers.
    * declarar vencedor = adjudge + winner.
    * prebendas del vencedor, las = victor's spoils.
    * vencedor inesperado = dark horse.
    * * *
    - dora adjetivo <ejército/país> victorious; <equipo/jugador> winning (before n)
    - dora masculino, femenino ( en guerra) victor; ( en competición) winner

    no habrá vencedores ni vencidos — (frml) there will be no victors and no vanquished (frml)

    * * *
    = winner, victorious, victor.

    Ex: The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.

    Ex: The author offers an interpretation of why in professional wrestling the bad guy is often victorious, by whatever means necessary including foul play.
    Ex: Sports are about winning and losing and that they will always demand great victors and tragic losers.
    * declarar vencedor = adjudge + winner.
    * prebendas del vencedor, las = victor's spoils.
    * vencedor inesperado = dark horse.

    * * *
    ‹ejército/país› victorious; ‹equipo/jugador› winning ( before n), victorious
    masculine, feminine
    no habrá vencedores ni vencidos ( frml); there will be no victors and no vanquished ( frml)
    * * *

    ◊ - dora adjetivo ‹ejército/país victorious;

    equipo/jugador winning ( before n)
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( en guerra) victor;
    ( en competición) winner
    I sustantivo masculino y femenino
    1 (competidor, ganador) winner
    2 (ejército) victor: en esta guerra no hay vencedores ni vencidos, there are no winners or losers in this war
    II adjetivo
    1 (equipo, persona, propuesta) winning
    2 (ejército, bando) victorious
    ' vencedor' also found in these entries:
    dark horse
    - victor
    - victorious
    * * *
    vencedor, -ora
    [equipo] winning; [ejército] victorious
    [en competición] winner; [en batalla] victor;
    en una guerra civil no hay vencedores ni vencidos in a civil war there are neither victors nor vanquished
    * * *
    I adj winning
    II m, vencedora f winner
    * * *
    : winner, victor
    * * *
    vencedor1 adj winning
    vencedor2 n winner

    Spanish-English dictionary > vencedor

См. также в других словарях:

  • Interpretation of Dreams —     Interpretation of Dreams     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Interpretation of Dreams     There is in sleep something mysterious which seems, from the earliest times, to have impressed man and aroused his curiosity. What philosophy of sleep sprang… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • interpretation — interpretation, interpretive sociology In one sense, any statement is an interpretation: if I call this thing in front of me a desk (rather than a dressing table) then I am interpreting a battery of sense impressions; if I say I feel happy… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • INTERPRETATION — This article is arranged according to the following outline: definition of terms bible exegesis substance of bible exegesis in jewish creative interpretation and integrative interpretation …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Interpretation of quantum mechanics — An interpretation of quantum mechanics is a statement which attempts to explain how quantum mechanics informs our understanding of nature. Although quantum mechanics has received thorough experimental testing, many of these experiments are open… …   Wikipedia

  • Interpretation (logic) — An interpretation is an assignment of meaning to the symbols of a formal language. Many formal languages used in mathematics, logic, and theoretical computer science are defined in solely syntactic terms, and as such do not have any meaning until …   Wikipedia

  • Interpretation — Distinguish from interpenetration. Interpreter, interpreting, interpretation can mean:The term interpretation may refer to: *Formal interpretation an abstract model. * Logical interpretation the assignment of meaning to the symbols used in formal …   Wikipedia

  • Interpretation centre — An interpretation centre, or interpretive centre, is an institution for dissemination of knowledge of natural or cultural heritage. Interpretation centres are a kind of new style museum, often associated with visitor center s or ecomuseums, and… …   Wikipedia

  • interpretation — Unintelligible utterances required the gift [[➝ gifts]] of interpretation (1 Cor. 12:10); and translation from one language to another was a kind of interpretation (Ezra 4:7; Acts 9:36; Heb. 7:2). The interpretation of the OT by Jesus followed… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • interpretation — [[t]ɪntɜ͟ː(r)prɪte͟ɪʃ(ə)n[/t]] interpretations 1) N VAR An interpretation of something is an opinion about what it means. The opposition Conservative Party put a different interpretation on the figures... Analysis and interpretation is a very… …   English dictionary

  • Abstract interpretation — In computer science, abstract interpretation is a theory of sound approximation of the semantics of computer programs, based on monotonic functions over ordered sets, especially lattices. It can be viewed as a partial execution of a computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Statutory interpretation — Judicial Interpretation Forms …   Wikipedia

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